MT Greene calls America "sick" because of LGBTQ+, 'gender disruption', and abortion
The GOP’s current spokesperson, MT Greene, claims that men masquerading as women will destroy women’s sport. And is super distressed that they, along with mothers hurting their children and abortion, will drive America to her knees. In a tweet she said,
“Our society is sick. Mothers are mutilating and murdering their babies through transgenderism and abortion. Meanwhile, society sits back and allows men to destroy women’s sports.
How much more can America take before our civilization begins to collapse?”
Dear God, mothers mutilating their children? Is that what she thinks American women are up to? Is mutilating her children something she has contemplated? I hope not. She is presumably referring to parents doing their best to help gender-questioning children and adolescents navigate the already hard task of growing up. What to any decent person is a labor of love becomes to indecent Greene a travesty. What unempathetic shits conservatives are.
Let’s dismiss her vile thinking as just more of Greene’s typical thoughtless hyperbole and move on.
The cynics and wags will ask how anyone could mention ‘America’ and ‘civilization’ in the same sentence when the US is a country that has elected MT Greene to Congress. Any nation that would elect Greene — not to mention Gaetz, Gosar, Boebert, Blackburn. Paul, Cruz, and Cawthorn — to its national legislature, has little justification for calling itself civilized. If that list does not shake your belief in America’s standing, consider the previous President. I rest my case.
But for argument’s sake, let’s accept that America is still civilized, which agency would cause that civilization to collapse? Abortion? Hardly. Mexico has one of the world’s lowest abortion rates. Is Greene advocating that we emulate Mexico? I am not trashing Mexico. I only mention the country because it is the Republican poster child for a second-rate state — a ‘shithole country.’
It is a good thing to reduce the abortion rate. Both liberals and conservatives agree on that. However, the conservative solution is no solution. Criminalizing abortion does little to change the abortion rate, which remains steady regardless of how stringent the laws are against it. An analysis by the Guttmacher institute illustrates this.
If you are serious about reducing the abortion rate, you must reduce unwanted pregnancies. Something conservatives are not in the least bit interested in doing. Let Western Europe provide an example. As ‘123 Healthwise’ reports
“Countries in Western Europe have some of the lowest abortion rates in the world, despite providing women with some of the best access to abortion care. Women in these countries are also well educated, empowered and have good access to sex education and contraception.”
They could also add that the Democratic Socialists in Western Europe have constructed pro-family states. The support they offer pregnant women is far higher than in the US. Everything from paid parental leave to universal healthcare and free or heavily subsidized higher education.
American conservatives don’t care.
But abortion is not the only thing on Greene’s mind. She also says,
“An obsession with cross-dressing and gender disruption is one of the hallmarks of a civilization in rapid decline.”
Damn girl, the only people I know obsessing about cross-dressing and gender disruption (does she mean gender dysphoria) are conservatives. If they would just shut up and let people enjoy their individual rights no one would hear a peep about it. The whole obsession with the LGBTQ+ community is solely conservative.
Remember the gay marriage debate? It went something like this. Gays: “We want to get married.” Liberals: “That seems reasonable.” Conservatives: “God, Hurricanes, Katrina, agendas, the Antichrist grooming, forest fires, Satan, pedophilia, and people marrying their pets/lawnmowers” (Just a little bit over the top?)
Greene also lashes out at the military, universities, the media, and even her fellow conservatives and Fox News. She offers a paean to ‘traditional family roles, Saying mom (aka baby factories) should get back in the kitchen and fetch her man his slippers and pipe.
She also has a beef with “mentally disturbed men in wigs” who are invited to share their opinions on the news. What does she mean? I have no idea. But if you are interested, click on the video embedded below.
Good luck.