Hershel Walker wants you to know "my bike is not bent" and anyone can ride it.
English is rich in idioms, analogies, and metaphors. And while some are globally comprehensible, others are region specific. Every English speaker knows what ‘raining cats and dogs’ means even though pets are not literally falling from the sky. But while every New Englander knows ‘wicked pissah’ is an expression signifying something is outstanding, people from elsewhere may be clueless about the meaning. And in Australia, it would translate as “bonzer”.
Sometimes the same word can mean two different things depending on where you are. In America, “She was pissed” means she was angry. In the UK it means she was drunk — or “legless”. “I was only taking the piss” in England means “just kidding”. You get the point.
Bearing that in mind, when Hershel Walker was asked on Newsmax how he felt about people questioning his “mental fitness”, he replied,
"My response is I've already been very transparent. I've been very transparent and I will be a champion for mental health because I've helped so many people that had a mental health problem."
"And they can continue to bring all this -- what they want to do against me because the people know what I stand for. Herschel Walker is still standing."
It is a good start. Mental health is a problem, and it deserves to have people championing the cause. Some may quibble that Walker’s syntax is garbled. But massacring the English language is common among politicians. I cannot say if bungling the language is an attempt to curry favor with the ill-educated base. Or if it stems from ignorance of the mother tongue.
In Sen. John Kennedy’s (R-LA) case, his folksy man-of-the-people routine is patently an act. The man is a highly educated lawyer with a Bachelor of Civil Law degree with first-class honors from Magdalen — pronounced Maudlin — College, Oxford University.
On the other hand, it is likely that Rep. Lauren Boebert’s difficulties with English spring from a lack of education, unfamiliarity with the language, and undisciplined thinking.
Unlike Boebert, Walker did go to college — although, despite his claim that he graduated in the top one percent of his class, he never received a degree. And in another lie, he said he was the valedictorian of his high school — he was not.
Walker has been lying about many aspects of his life, including how many children he has. So we should dismiss his statement, “I've helped so many people that had a mental health problem” until he produces evidence for the contention.
After Walker started reasonably, he went sideways with a bicycle analogy.
“My bike is not bent so anyone can ride my bike. [Sen. Raphael Warnock] seems to have Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden riding his bike because he seems to be voting for whatever they say.”
I googled the saying. No joy. Perhaps someone familiar with the language of rural central Georgia can shed some light on the subject.
And a Democrat voting the same way as the Head of the Party and its Senate Leader is par for the course. The Republicans are notorious for their jackbooted lockstep with party orthodoxy. As Bill Clinton wryly observed, “Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line.”
I would also be surprised if Walker even knows Warnock’s voting record.
This effort from Walker is typical. It is far from the only time he has left people perplexed. When asked for his solution to gun violence he said,
“Cain killed Abel and that’s a problem that we have. What we need to do is look into how we can stop those things. You know, you talked about doing a disinformation — what about getting a department that can look at young men that’s looking at women that’s looking at their social media. What about doing that? Looking into things like that and we can stop that that way. But yet they want to just continue to talk about taking away your constitutional rights. And I think there’s more things we need to look into. This has been happening for years and the way we stop it is putting money into the mental health field, by putting money into other departments rather than departments that want to take away your rights.” [Bolding mine]
When asked why he had so far refused to debate Warnock after Warnock had tweeted that Walker would not debate, he said,
“Well, first of all, Senator Warnock has nothing else to talk about. He don’t want talk about the high gas prices, he don’t want to talk about high groceries. I’ve told him many times I’m ready to debate him any time, any day. I just want to make it for the fans, not about a political party or some media, and all they are doing is talking. I want to make it a fair and equal debate for the people.”
The fans?
Here are some other Walker offerings
On evolution: “At one time, science said man came from apes. Did it not? Well, this is what’s interesting, though. If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it.”
On COVID: “Do you know, right now, I have something that can bring you into a building that would clean you from covid as you walk through this dry mist? As you walk through the door, it will kill any covid on your body.”
On John Lewis: “You know Senator Lewis was one of the greatest senators there’s ever been and for African Americans was absolutely incredible,” Walker said. “I think, then, to throw his name on a bill for voting rights, I think, is a shame. First of all, when you look at the bill, it doesn’t fit what John Lewis stood for, and I think that is sad for them to do this to him.”
On being asked about the Infrastructure Bill, which had passed two months earlier: “Until I can see all of the facts, you can’t answer the question. And I think that’s what is totally unfair to assume someone like myself to say, ‘What are you going to vote for?’”
This is the man Georgia Republicans thought was the best right-wing candidate for a Senate job. We should not be surprised. After all, they inflicted Marjorie 'Jewish Space Lasers' Greene on us.